Bee-friendly Warré hives

  • Why do we choose Warré hives?

    We choose to source our beeswax from the bee-friendly 'Warré hives' instead of the conventional 'Langstroth hives'. 

    The Warrébeehive features a design that attempts to mirror the natural sites chosen by wild bees. Colonies in Warréhives have a warm, dry, well-insulated home made from natural materials (similar to a tree hollow, their natural home for millions of years). This offers bees a safe, healthy place to live and create honey like they would in nature. The bees are far less susceptible to succumbing to brood diseases from bacteria, viruses and fungal spores as they put their energy into maintaining a healthy nest atmosphere practically free from the stress that occurs in conventional Langstroth hives (which have large dimensions, are poorly insulated and often made from unnatural materials). 

  • Wild things

    Generally speaking, the honey (and thus the Beeswax) is not harvested from colonies when there is not a surplus of their supplies. This means we allow the bees to enjoy their natural processes and let them guide the beekeepers in their work with them. The hive is a vessel which captures the surrounding environment, as foraging bees cover vast areas and bring different raw materials back to the nest to feed and aid the functioning of the superorganism. The raw materials of nectar, pollen and resin are collected by the bees from the wild environment and are present in our Beeswax. 

    At ION Living, we like to keep things wild!