Our Story

  • Lighting a candle at the end of a busy day or week is a wonderful way to unwind and destress.

    My home used to be filled with all sorts of candles, not knowing that they were compromising my indoor air quality and that I was inhaling all kinds of toxins. I was surprised to learn that many other candles release toxic chemicals into the air when burned, including carcinogens, toluene and benzene. Artificial fragrances and dyes used in candles give off phthalates and other harmful chemicals when burnt; and the wicks often contain lead.

    If that is not distressing enough, there are well-known environmental concerns related to palm and soy wax. The problem isn't with the wax itself; the global demand for palm oil and soy products is a major cause of deforestation. Huge areas of natural land are converted into palm and soy plantations causing wide-scale deforestation and other devastating knock-on effects, from biodiversity loss and rising carbon emissions to soil erosion and water contamination. To grow these crops, a lot of pesticides and chemicals are used and require intensive processing to produce the oil or wax.

  • I'm here to help you by offering non-toxic, healthy candles that leave your body, mind and home invigorated!

    Beeswax is an entirely natural substance coming straight from Mother Nature. It is the purest, minimally processed of candle waxes and does not cause any harm to the environment (or the bees). Our beeswax candles are eco-friendly, sustainable & biodegradable and are made with 100% pure beeswax that is locally sourced in Australia.

    Beeswax candles are also hypoallergenic and are known to purify the air you breathe. They do not contain any harmful toxins or hidden chemicals. When it is burned, beeswax releases negative ions into the air. These negative ions bind with positively charged ions (dust, mould, bacteria, pollen, odour) and help to remove these from the air. A positively charged ion (toxins) is naturally attracted to any negative ion; pretty cute!

    We inhale negative ions in natural environments, such as the ocean, mountains, forests and waterfalls. Ever wondered why you felt so good after a day in nature? That's the positive effect of negative ions. It's a natural mood booster!

    Beeswax also gives off a gentle floral-honey scent when burned, making these candles ideal for everyone who enjoys the relaxing ambience but not the overpowering fragrance.

    That's it for now...

    Time to run a nice relaxing bath & light a few beeswax candles :)